Thinking of going temp? It’s never looked better!
The number of temporary positions in the US rose by approximately 19.5 thousand in September, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. It’s looking like temp work is appealing to both employees and employers alike.
What had initially been reported as a slow gain in August has been adjusted, from 142,000 to 180,000, and with September’s figures in, economists are seeing the continued slow and steady increase of temp positions, a statistic that has been on the rise from September 2013. Current stats from the BLS report that 42,000 of these employees are registered on search firm payrolls as of July 2014, up from 37,500 employees in July 2013.
Are you are a job seeker that wakes in the night, perspiring from the terror of living in the same cubicle that just keeps getting smaller and smaller, day after day? Are you an employer who’s got two people doing the work of five because you’re just not ready to commit long-term to some of those otherwise great candidates you’ve met with? Or maybe you’re looking to build a team for a short-term project? MERRAINE INTERIM will handle the paperwork, including payroll, insurance and benefits. That’s right, you can just leave the red tape to us while you focus on the manpower and brainpower you need!
For more information, call 845-290-1900 or check us out on the web at and tell them you want MERRAINE INTERIM!